
Please don't tickle a man while a debt collector's waiting for you, while you're in a car race or you haven't put on your fancy pants after bath, it is recommended that you visit this blog and have fun with all the silly writings here

Tickling Men And Fancy Pants

Tickling Men, do we really have to be careful with this term? Especially when we are straight? For babies or toddlers, tickling men might mean fathers or grandfathers. But, unfortunately, this, to such extreme thought, leads to pedophilia. If you're scared that your sex orientation can probably turn to be weird or alleged being so like Daddy Yankee's, you should not let yourself be in the similar photo with a sort of man. Let the guy be guy, don't let the guy be gay if you happen to aim it to yourself in front of the mirror.If you don't know well who Daddy Yankee really is, you'd better ask ... Read More

Fancy pants for men, what do you think about it? But nobody would like to answer this question. All seem to be busy with what they are up to. Then fashion comes and visits some celebrities, but they keep themselves for themselves (after tickling one another?). Far far away, Emma Watson was puzzled by such weird news telling her that she's been in Uganda riding a camel looking for a monkey. This is a funny story or spoof or whatever, surely this has nothing to do with the question: do men need fancy pants? Read More

Wake up!

Man! You need to wake up, get out of crisis, put on your fancy pants, don't just tickle your dream away ...